Co-present Google Slides in Google Meet

Co-present Google Slides in Google Meet

April 20, 2023, 4:58 pm

What’s changing

Building upon last year’s announcement of presenting Google Slides directly in Google Meet and the latest ability to view your speaker notes within Meet, we’re adding a new feature that allows multiple people to present together in Meet. As the primary presenter, you can assign participants to co-present Slides with you. As a co-presenter, you can: 

  • See the audience, presentation, and Slides controls in one window 
  • Navigate the presentation 
  • Start and stop media within the presentation 

Co-present Google Slides in Google Meet

Who’s impacted

End users 

Why it matters

This eliminates the need to ask a colleague to move to the next slide in a presentation, leading to smoother transitions and minimal distractions. In addition, this feature further bridges the gap between people working from different locations. 

Additional details

This feature requires a computer with a Google Chrome browser.