How do I complete a shift close out?
Our policy is that all staff who have received checks or cash during their shift must complete a shift close out at the end of their shift. Any discrepancies should be reported to your supervisor immediately.
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Shift Close-Out Procedure
1. Navigate to the Finance Tab
2. Under Checks/Cash select " Shift Close-Outs"
3. Select "New Close-Out"
4. Verify that the reconcile date at the top of the screen matches the date that the payments were accepted (if it does not, please speak with your Membership Operations Manager before proceeding)
5. Verify this for both Cash and Check options; Ensure these totals match the cash and checks in hand from your shift. If they do, proceed to the next steps. If not, please check in with your Membership Operations Manager.
6. Daxko will show you the total number of non reconciled payments here at the bottom of the screen
7. Verify each payment by checking off the tick mark next to the payment. You must do this for both Cash and Check options
8. As you check off payments they will update in the totals box bottom right
9. Once all payments have been selected for reconciliation the total payments number should match with the reconciled payments as well as what is in hand for your shift.
10. Click Close out when all payments have been verified and you are ready to complete the closeout.
11. Once complete click on the print button and print your close out sheet.
12. For any variance write an explanation on the printed receipt, Sign and date it; and include this with the cash and checks in the envelope you place in the safe.