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Daxko - Essentials Training Guide

This guide is the resource manual for the basics of Daxko Operations.

Daxko - Quick Links to Process Flows/How To's

This PDF has quick links to some basic and common Daxko functions.Quick Guide Process Maps (2).pdf

Daxko - How do I access Daxko Operations?

Click this link: https://operations.daxko.comShortcuts to Daxko: Can be found on the start page that launches with Chrome In the YMCA folder on the Bookmark toolbar in Chrome if you are signed in and synced Save it as a personal bookmark by clicking the star at the end of the address window w...

How do I complete a childcare registration?

Made with Scribe Click Here to View in Scribe   Processing a New Childcare Registration 1. Select the participant you want to register for the program and navigate to their membership information page2. Select "Actions"3. Click "Register for Programs"4. Select the tag of the program or search it ...

How do I complete a shift close out?

Our policy is that all staff who have received checks or cash during their shift must complete a shift close out at the end of their shift. Any discrepancies should be reported to your supervisor immediately. Made by with Scribe Click Here to View in Scribe Shift Close-Out Procedure 1. Navigate t...

How do I find the daily deposits and verify all shifts were closed out?

Our organization policy is that deposits are completed on a daily basis, Monday-Friday. Membership Operations Managers are responsible for ensuring these are completed.Made by with Scribe Click Here to View in Scribe Verifying all Shift Close-outs are Correct and Closed 1. Click on the Finance ta...

How do I make a change to a childcare or camp registration?

Made with Scribe Click Here to View in Scribe   Modifying Registration Questions 1. Click on Child Care2. Click "Manage Programs"3. Select the program drop down you are searching for4. Click "Q&A"5. Find the participant you are changing answers for and select the edit pencil under "Answers"6. Edi...

How do I add a late fee for a late pickup in Childcare or Camp?

Made by with Scribe Please Click Here to View in Scribe   Applying Late Payment Fees 1. Click "Child Care"2. Click "Manage Programs"3. Click the program you are adding fees to4. Click "Actions"5. Click "Add fee to registrants"6. Select the registrants that are being charged7. Once Selected click ...

How do I add a one time fee to an account in Daxko?

Please note that the fast fee will need to be requested via a Daxko Mojo and setup before you follow these steps. Made by Scribe Please Click Here to View in Scribe1. To set up a fast fee click on the daxko operation main menu (Top Right)2. Click "Fee / Adjustment Setup"3. Click "Fast Fees"4. Sel...

How do I enter a prospect and record a tour in Daxko? How do I move the prospect if they want to become a member?

Made by Scribe Click Here to View Directly in Scribe   Enter Prospect and Record a Tour 1. Click the membership tab2. Navigate to "Prospects" and click on "Add Prospect"3. Select the source type, for today we are selecting tour as this walk in got a tour with Ben!4. Fill in all prospect informati...

How do I sell a membership to a child under 18?

Please note, it is the policy of the YMCA of the North Shore that a parent or guardian must complete the membership registration for anyone under the age of 18. Memberships should not be sold to anyone under this age without a parent or guardian. Made with Scribe Please Click Here to View in Scri...

How do I sell a membership (Adult, Family, Senior)?

Please note, this Scribe is for all membership types except for Children Under 18.  Made with Scribe Click Here to View in Scribe1. Search the new member's name to see if they're already in our system (and prevent entering a duplicate account).2. If they're not already in the system, click the Me...

How do I process a membership upgrade or downgrade?

Made with Scribe Please Click Here to View in Scribe   Upgrading a Membership 1. Pull up the member's information page by typing in their Last, First Name and clicking on the Member.2. On the left of the page, check to see if the members being added are listed on the account.3. If they want to ad...

How do I place a member on hold?

Made with Scribe Please Click Here to View in Scribe   Placing a Membership on Hold (No Past-Due Balances, Registrations, or Items in the Pending Batch) 1. Search for the member looking to place their Membership on Hold.2. View the Membership Information page to see if the member is currently enr...

How do I terminate a membership?

Made with Scribe Please Click Here to View in Scribe   Terminating a Membership (with Registrations and Past-Due Balances) 1. Search for and click on the Member wishing to terminate their membership.2. Verify the draft date of the Member. For those that draft on the 1st of the month, select the l...

How do I change a members billing method or draft date?

Made by with Scribe Please Click Here to View in Scribe Change Billing Method (Financial>Dues) 1. Search and click on the Member wishing to update their billing method.2. On the Membership Information page, click the "Financial" dropdown and then > select "Dues." select "Dues."">3. From the Membe...

How do I sell a guest pass?

Made with Scribe Please Click Here to View in Scribe   1 Week Trial Membership Paid Guest Pass Enrollment 1. To avoid duplicate entires, first search for the customer's name using M1 format. If no records that match appear, click on the Membership tab at the top of the page and select "Add Unit....

How do I manage a program waitlist?

Made with Scribe Please Click Here to View in Scribe Moving a Participant from the Waiting list to the Roster 1. Click "Programs"2. Click "Manage Programs"3. Select your tag4. Click on the program session you want by selecting the check box5. Once selected, click on "Create Roster"6. Select View ...

How do I register for a program?

Made with Scribe Please Click Here to View  Register a Participant1. Find the Person> Find the Program > Take a Payment2. Search for the member wishing to register (Last Name, First Name)3. If they are not already in the system you will need to create a "Unit"4. Scroll to the membership tab and s...

Daxko - How to capture waivers

Click the link below:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RJq-iTbJeH0BVWJp0tALn4M9viz3mxQf/view

I chose the wrong local Y during the membership sale, how do I fix this?

The member is enrolled at the wrong YMCA, how do I change the local Y? Made with Scribe Click Here to View1. If the members local Y is incorrect, login to the members account and Click on the current local Y2. Click this dropdown and choose the correct Y3. Then update the membership type to the c...

How do I remove a child from childcare and unschedule their payments?

P5: Refunds and Un-scheduling Payments Made with Scribe Please Click Here    Un- Schedule a Payment 1. Search for the Member (Last name, First name)2. Click "Volpe, Henry"3. Click "Registrations" (Note current unscheduled balance)4. Select the registration you want to un register from5. Click "Vi...

How do I add someone to Masters Swim team?

Adding Swim Team Masters onto a Membership Made with Scribe Click Here to view in Scribe  1. Find the member2. Click on the pencil next to the membership dues3. Click "NEW ADD-ON"4. Click "ADD" next to the correct masters type5. Choose the member who will utilize the add on (note for 2 members pl...

How do I complete a program transfer?

Made with Scribe1. Navigate to the child2. Click "Registrations"3. Click the class you want to move the child from4. Click "View in Transactions"5. Click this checkbox to select all instances6. Click "MOVE PARTICIPANT"7. Click this button.8. Click on the new tag9. Click on the new program10. Clic...

What report should I run in Daxko for....? Daxko Reporting 101!

Here is a list of canned reports in Daxko and what they can be used for!

How can I refund a system credit back to a credit card?

How to refund a system credit to a credit card Made with Scribe   1. Click "$142.12"2. Click "$132.00"3. Choose which credits you would like to refund4. Click this button.Alert: The refund will then be pushed to an Executive Director for approval and completion  Made with Scribe

How do I generate an invoice or receipt for childcare/camp?

Made by with Scribe1. Choose the child2. Click "Child Care"3. Click "CHILD CARE"4. Click "Create Invoice"5. If you would like to show past payments, please select the date range and uncheck this box6. Click "GENERATE" after choosing which parents to emailTip: At this point an email should be sent...

How do I refund a childcare payment that was made accidentally?

How do I refund a childcare payment that was made accidentally? Made with Scribe   Alert: In this example, the father went only and accidentally paid for the entire balance in full. We needed to cancel/refund a certain amount of weeks - which means cancel the transactions, process the refund, and...

How do I change a credit card refund to a system credit?

How does an Executive Director change a refund type in the approval screen? Made with Scribe   Alert: Executive Directors have the ability to approve refunds and in some cases may want to change this to a system credit. This Scribe walks through that process.1. Click "Finance"2. Click "Refunds"3....

How to Purchase a Gift Card

Made with Scribe1. Click Balance Due2. Click "GIFT CARDS"3. Click "Purchase Gift Card"4. Add gift card amount in the amount fieldTip: You will need to get a physical gift card to give to the member - the number on this should match what you enter as gift card numberAlert: Once you enter all of th...

How do I convert a prospect to a member?

Convert Prospect to Member Made by Jamie McGrath with Scribe   1. Navigate to https://operations.daxko.com/Membership/Search.mvc2. Click "Membership"3. Click "View Prospects"4. Click "Potter, Harry"5. Click "CONVERT TO MEMBER"6. Click "Continue Creating Unit"7. Click "This membership category pro...

How to refund a membership transaction charged to the wrong card and charge the correct card

Made  with Scribe  1. Click "FINANCIAL"2. Click "Transactions"3. Click the debited transaction that says membership due4. Click "CANCEL TRANSACTION"5. Click the "Add a refund reason having minimum 5 characters here..." field.6. Type "Charged to wrong credit card"7. Click "Submit Refund for Unit"A...

How do I change a child's registration and cancel the registration fee?

How to change a child's registration and cancel the registration fee Made  with Scribe1. Search for the child and enter their unit2. Click "Child Care"3. Choose the registration you want to move4. Select all instances that need to be cancelled5. Once all instances to cancel are selected, scroll t...

How do I refund an Activenet credit that was imported as a gift card to Daxko?

Refunding Activenet Member Credit Made by with Scribe  Tip: Because Activenet member credits are imported into Daxko as gift cards, refunds need to be submitted to finance with a refund form signed off by an Executive Director. Below are the steps to take in Daxko to complete this.1. Click on bal...

How to Register for a YMCA Summer Camp Program

Made with Scribe Click here to View1. Navigate to https://operations.daxko.com/Membership/Search.mvc2. Click "Programs"3. Click "Search Programs"4. Ensure you are logged into the correct branch, then choose campTip: Searches for camp are based on locations - so if the camp is not onsite at a loca...

How a Member can Complete Online YMCA Camp Enrollment

Made with Scribe1. Click "ACCOUNT LOGIN"2. Click "SUBMIT"3. Click the "Password" field.4. Choose the child you want to register5. Click here.6. Search for the camp or click camp tag for list of camps7. Choose the week you would like to register for (please note you will be prompted if there are m...

How can a member generate a year end tax statement?

Made with Scribe  1. Navigate to https://www.northshoreymca.org/2. Click "ACCOUNT LOGIN"3. Click the "Email or Phone Number" and enter your email address4. Click "SUBMIT"5. Click the "Password" field and enter your password6. Click "LOGIN"7. Under the records section, you should see a document la...

How to cancel a camp registration

Made with Scribe  Alert: Please note, after June 22 camp cancellations are not permitted.1. Search for the memberTip: Because the drafts are set for these, you will first need to unschedule the draft2. Click on the balance due screen3. Click on the blue highlight for the week you would like to ca...

How do I modify or transfer camp weeks?

Made with Scribe1. Search the child that needs to be transferred2. Click "Child Care"3. Click on the camp that you would like to change (note in the next step you can select several instances)4. Click on the camp that you would like to change (note in the next step you can select several instance...

How to Generate a Custom Camp Enrollment Report

Made with Scribe1. Click this link.2. Click "Custom Reports"3. Click "Shared Reports"4. Click "Camp Reports"5. Click "2024 Camp Enrollment"6. Choose your Y (or several Y's)7. Click this button field.Tip: The above parameters will give you all camp weeks for the summer, if you are interested in lo...

How to Schedule a Discounted Payment for Rowley Residents

Made  with Scribe1. Choose the member or search the member2. Click on balance due3. If payments are scheduled - you will need to unschedule payments4. Choose the weeks to unschedule5. Then click delete to delete the scheduled payments6. Click "YES"7. Click "Account Balance"8. Choose the weeks tha...

How to Apply Essex Resident Camp Discounts

Made  with ScribeTip: Per our contract with the Town of Essex, residents receive discounts off our camp pricing as follows:Registration for 1-3 weeks of camp: $285/week for ages 7+, $325/week RowboatsRegistration for 4 weeks or more: Flat rate of $250/weekThe system has two discount types for thi...

How do I approve a discount group (Super Users Only)

<iframe src="https://scribehow.com/embed/Approve_Discount_Groups___rLySxRiT_ib28oMEIZVoQ" width="640" height="640" allowfullscreen frameborder="0"></iframe>

Enrolling a Swim Team registration mid season

Made  with Scribe   Tip: Swim team tuition is setup in Daxko on a monthly basis, with a payment schedule due 3 times per year. Because of this, when a swimmer joins mid season, a staff member can go in and choose the months that the swimmer should join and the capture payment or schedule future p...

How to transfer a swim team participant to another level

Made with Scribe1. Go into the participants account2. Click "Registrations"3. Choose the current registration4. Click "View in Transactions"5. Click on the months that need to be changed6. Click "MOVE PARTICIPANT"7. Ensure the correct months are selected and click continue8. Click "Competitive Te...

Hold Set-Up for Accounts Drafting on 15th

Hold Set-Up for Accounts Drafting on 15thAlert! This is a workaround to accomodate our old date-to-date holds functionality for memberships drafting on the 15th of the month. This process includes an extra preliminary step to allow facility access during the first two weeks leading up to the hold...

Add or Remove Facility Access for a Member

Add or Remove Facility Access for a Member Made with Scribe   1. Within a member record, click on SETTINGS, then "Facility Access."2. Check off "All Location Access" for active individuals - this will allow the member to check in at any of our 7 YNS locations.If a member has a Local Only Haverhil...

How to register a child if they ended up on the childcare waitlist

Childcare Waitlist Management in Daxko Made by with Scribe   1. Navigate to https://operations.daxko.com/Login?ReturnUrl=%2F2. Click "Login"3. Click "Child Care"4. Click "Manage Programs"5. Click "Filters"6. Filter for your branch7. Filter for your age category8. Click this button field.9. Choose...

Childcare Standard Operating Procedures and Process Maps

Here is the link to our standard operating procedures and process maps for Early LearningHere is the link to our standard operating procedures and process maps for Afterschool

How to register a child for after school care online (Parent Guide)

Please click here for the Scribe.