How do I find the daily deposits and verify all shifts were closed out?

Our organization policy is that deposits are completed on a daily basis, Monday-Friday. Membership Operations Managers are responsible for ensuring these are completed.

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Verifying all Shift Close-outs are Correct and Closed

1. Click on the Finance tab and navigate to Shift Close outs to verify that all shift close outs from the previous days are accurate and to determine the cause of any variances.

Screenshot of: Click on the Finance tab and navigate to Shift Close outs to verify that all shift close outs from the previous days are accurate and to determine the cause of any variances.

2. To check for shoft close outs that have not been completed go to each branch or the branch you are responsible for and click on "New Close-out"

Screenshot of: To check for shoft close outs that have not been completed go to each branch or the branch you are responsible for and click on

3. Close out all payments before moving to the deposit step; note that you should speak to any staff who missed this step to ensure they complete this during their next shift.

Screenshot of: Close out all payments before moving to the deposit step; note that you should speak to any staff who missed this step to ensure they complete this during their next shift.

4. Click "Close out" when finished

Screenshot of: Click

5. If there are no outstanding closeouts at a branch the sheet will look like this.

Screenshot of: If there are no outstanding closeouts at a branch the sheet will look like this.

Deposit Procedure

6. To start the Deposit process click on Finance

Screenshot of: To start the Deposit process click on Finance

7. Navigate to "Deposit List"

Screenshot of: Navigate to

8. Once on this page you can filter by YMCA to create deposit slips

Screenshot of: Once on this page you can filter by YMCA to create deposit slips

Deposit Date Setting

9. Deposits should be completed by day and should reflect the date of the transactions. I.E. if you are working on a deposit on 8/2 for transactions that were completed 8/1 everything should be marked 8/1

Screenshot of: Deposits should be completed by day and should reflect the date of the transactions. I.E. if you are working on a deposit on 8/2 for transactions that were completed 8/1 everything should be marked 8/1

10. Click "NEW DEPOSIT"

Screenshot of: Click

11. The deposit date field determines the date that entries will post to reflect the payments. This date should match the reconciled date (which should be the date of the actual transactions. So in our example above the date would be 8/1)

Screenshot of: The deposit date field determines the date that entries will post to reflect the payments. This date should match the reconciled date (which should be the date of the actual transactions. So in our example above the date would be 8/1)

Backdating Deposits

Alert: Alert! You can only backdate a deposit to a day that has not yet been exported in Account Entries. You will likely need to backdate deposits to reflect the date the payments are made. For example, on Monday, you will create three separate deposits. One for Friday, one for Saturday, and one for Sunday. Also, keep in mind that each day there will be TWO deposits created: one deposit in Daxko and one physical deposit slip that will be taken to the bank. These two deposits should be identical.

12. Click this button.

Screenshot of: Click this button.

13. Click this dropdown.

Screenshot of: Click this dropdown.

14. Click "NEW DEPOSIT"

Screenshot of: Click

15. Click this checkbox.

Screenshot of: Click this checkbox.

16. Click this button.

Screenshot of: Click this button.

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