How do I make a change to a childcare or camp registration?

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Modifying Registration Questions

1. Click on Child Care

Screenshot of: Click on Child Care

2. Click "Manage Programs"

Screenshot of: Click

3. Select the program drop down you are searching for

Screenshot of: Select the program drop down you are searching for

4. Click "Q&A"

Screenshot of: Click

5. Find the participant you are changing answers for and select the edit pencil under "Answers"

Screenshot of: Find the participant you are changing answers for and select the edit pencil under

6. Edit the answers and click on Save

Screenshot of: Edit the answers and click on Save

7. Click Save when finished

Screenshot of: Click Save when finished

Changing Rate Plans or Days of the Week

8. Navigate to the Member Information Page

Screenshot of: Navigate to the Member Information Page

9. Select Financial and click on "Transactions"

Screenshot of: Select Financial and click on

10. Click on the "detail bubble" for the transaction you are changing

Screenshot of: Click on the

11. Select the instances you wish to modify and click on "Modify Instances"

Screenshot of: Select the instances you wish to modify and click on

12. Click "Change rate plan"

Screenshot of: Click

13. Select the weeks you are changing

Screenshot of: Select the weeks you are changing

14. Click Continue

Screenshot of: Click Continue

15. This will show the instances you are changing in the bottom right. Click on "Change Rate Plan"

Screenshot of: This will show the instances you are changing in the bottom right. Click on

16. Choose the new plan

Screenshot of: Choose the new plan

17. Click "Choose rate plan"

Screenshot of: Click

18. Ensure they are still applying the sibling discount or any other discounts that are applicable

Screenshot of: Ensure they are still applying the sibling discount or any other discounts that are applicable

19. Click "Save Changes"

Screenshot of: Click

Moving the Registrant to a Different Program

20. Navigate to the Membership Information Page> Financial> Transactions

Screenshot of: Navigate to the Membership Information Page> Financial> Transactions

21. Click on the Detail bubble of the transaction you are looking for

Screenshot of: Click on the Detail bubble of the transaction you are looking for

22. Select the weeks in which the child is moving to another program

Screenshot of: Select the weeks in which the child is moving to another program

23. Click this checkbox.

Screenshot of: Click this checkbox.

24. Click "CANCEL"

Screenshot of: Click

25. Click "CANCEL NOW"

Screenshot of: Click

Alert: Alert! Register the Child for the new program using (SOP CC1)

Participant Changes Membership Types and Fees must be Adjusted

26. Change Membership Type (SOP M3)

Screenshot of: Change Membership Type (SOP M3)

27. Enter New Membership Type here

Screenshot of: Enter New Membership Type here

28. Change Member status to fulfil new membership Requirements

Screenshot of: Change Member status to fulfil new membership Requirements

29. Then Click "Submit"

Screenshot of: Then Click

30. Click "Membership Information"

Screenshot of: Click

31. Click "FINANCIAL"

Screenshot of: Click

32. Click "Transactions"

Screenshot of: Click

33. Select the Child Care Program they are enrolled in that needs a price adjustment

Screenshot of: Select the Child Care Program they are enrolled in that needs a price adjustment

34. Click this checkbox to select all instances

Screenshot of: Click this checkbox to select all instances

35. Click "CANCEL"

Screenshot of: Click

36. Click "CANCEL NOW" and do not keep them on the roster

Screenshot of: Click

37. Click "Membership Information"

Screenshot of: Click

38. Click here to re-register them with the new rate

Screenshot of: Click here to re-register them with the new rate

39. Click "Register for Programs"

Screenshot of: Click

40. Select the Program

Screenshot of: Select the Program

41. Register as usual (SOP CC1)

Screenshot of: Register as usual (SOP CC1)

42. Click "NEXT"

Screenshot of: Click

43. Click "REGISTER"

Screenshot of: Click


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