How do I add a late fee for a late pickup in Childcare or Camp?

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Applying Late Payment Fees

1. Click "Child Care"

Screenshot of: Click

2. Click "Manage Programs"

Screenshot of: Click

3. Click the program you are adding fees to

Screenshot of: Click the program you are adding fees to

4. Click "Actions"

Screenshot of: Click

5. Click "Add fee to registrants"

Screenshot of: Click

6. Select the registrants that are being charged

Screenshot of: Select the registrants that are being charged

7. Once Selected click "Select Fees"

Screenshot of: Once Selected click

8. Choose the Late Fee

Screenshot of: Choose the Late Fee

9. Always type the date of the late payment in the description

Screenshot of: Always type the date of the late payment in the description

10. Click "Add fees"

Screenshot of: Click

Alert: Alert! This Process will be the same for Late Pick-up as well. The fee will be in the system for selection.


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