How do I add a one time fee to an account in Daxko?

Please note that the fast fee will need to be requested via a Daxko Mojo and setup before you follow these steps.

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1. To set up a fast fee click on the daxko operation main menu (Top Right)

Screenshot of: To set up a fast fee click on the daxko operation main menu (Top Right)

2. Click "Fee / Adjustment Setup"

Screenshot of: Click

3. Click "Fast Fees"

Screenshot of: Click

4. Select the YMCA location for the added fast fee

Screenshot of: Select the YMCA location for the added fast fee

5. Click "ADD FAST FEE"

Screenshot of: Click

6. Fill in all of the information requested including Name, description, GL line and Price of the fast fee

Screenshot of: Fill in all of the information requested including Name, description, GL line and Price of the fast fee

7. When finished adding information click the "ADD" button bottom right

Screenshot of: When finished adding information click the

How to Sell a Fast Fee

8. Click on the Membership Dropdown

Screenshot of: Click on the Membership Dropdown

9. Select "Fast Fee"

Screenshot of: Select

10. Select the fee they are purchasing

Screenshot of: Select the fee they are purchasing

11. Once you have selected all the fees click "Add Fees"

Screenshot of: Once you have selected all the fees click

12. Select Payment method

Screenshot of: Select Payment method

13. Submit the fast fee payment

Screenshot of: Submit the fast fee payment

14. Print the receipt for the member because the fast fee receipts cannot be accessed later.

Screenshot of: Print the receipt for the member because the fast fee receipts cannot be accessed later.


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