How do I manage a program waitlist?

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Moving a Participant from the Waiting list to the Roster

1. Click "Programs"

Screenshot of: Click

2. Click "Manage Programs"

Screenshot of: Click

3. Select your tag

Screenshot of: Select your tag

4. Click on the program session you want by selecting the check box

Screenshot of: Click on the program session you want by selecting the check box

5. Once selected, click on "Create Roster"

Screenshot of: Once selected, click on

6. Select View Waitlist (If there is one available)

Screenshot of: Select View Waitlist (If there is one available)

7. Select who you wish to bring over from the waitlist to the roster

Screenshot of: Select who you wish to bring over from the waitlist to the roster

8. Add them to the roster, you may need to select override if you are still over the cap.

Screenshot of: Add them to the roster, you may need to select override if you are still over the cap.

9. Click "Make/Schedule Payments"

Screenshot of: Click

10. Navigate to the Membership Information page and Process payment as usual (SOP P2)

Screenshot of: Navigate to the Membership Information page and Process payment as usual (SOP P2)


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