How do I remove a child from childcare and unschedule their payments?

P5: Refunds and Un-scheduling Payments

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Un- Schedule a Payment

1. Search for the Member (Last name, First name)

2. Click "Volpe, Henry"

3. Click "Registrations" (Note current unscheduled balance)

4. Select the registration you want to un register from

5. Click "View in Transactions"

6. Select all instances you wish to un- register from. In this instance we selected all and used the top check box

7. Scroll to the bottom and select "Cancel"

8. Ensure you are not selecting the check boxes in this screen. They will keep the participant in the roster after cancellation. Then select "Cancel Now"

9. Navigate back to Membership Information to confirm the payments have been unscheduled

10. Confirm unscheduled balance is back to $0


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