How do I complete a program transfer?

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1. Navigate to the child

2. Click "Registrations"

3. Click the class you want to move the child from

4. Click "View in Transactions"

5. Click this checkbox to select all instances


7. Click this button.

8. Click on the new tag

9. Click on the new program

10. Click this checkbox next to the new program

11. Click this button.

12. Choose the correct participant

13. Click "NEXT"

14. Answer any questions

15. Click "NEXT"

16. Click "Click here to override."

17. Type Transfer

18. Click "CONTINUE"

Alert: Note this section is ONLY for programs receipted prior to Daxko operations. Please skip this part if you are not receipting Jr Celtics


20. Click all checkboxes for each instance

21. Click "APPLY"

22. Click "BACK TO REVIEW"

Alert: Start here if you are not completing Jr Celtics


Alert: Note, if there is a balance due please collect that from the participant

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