How to refund a membership transaction charged to the wrong card and charge the correct card
1. Click "FINANCIAL"
2. Click "Transactions"
3. Click the debited transaction that says membership due
5. Click the "Add a refund reason having minimum 5 characters here..." field.
6. Type "Charged to wrong credit card"
7. Click "Submit Refund for Unit"
Alert: At this point, the refund will go to an Executive Director for Approval. If the member does not need to be re-charged, you are complete. If you need to charge the member on a new card, follow the next steps.
8. Click "Membership Information"
9. Click "$0.00"
11. Choose the correct branch
12. Click the check box next to membership due
13. Put in the amount owed
14. Write an explanation as to what this is related to
15. Click this button.
Alert: At this point, you should receipt the new balance with the new credit card information