How do I modify or transfer camp weeks?

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1. Search the child that needs to be transferred

2. Click "Child Care"

3. Click on the camp that you would like to change (note in the next step you can select several instances)

4. Click on the camp that you would like to change (note in the next step you can select several instances)


6. After ensuring you have chosen all weeks to be changed, click continue

7. Search for the new camp instances

8. Choose the camp - note if there are multiple registrations you can add additional camps one at a time in slide 11

9. Choose the new instances to register for

10. Click "Choose"

11. At this point, you can choose find camp and add additional instances. Once complete, click continue

12. Click "NEXT"

13. Review your changes and if all set, click complete change

14. It will prompt if you want to continue, click yes

15. Click "Make a payment" and ensure you receipt all deposits as needed

16. Select the deposits needed and make the payment

Alert: Note - all payments still need to be scheduled - please continue to schedule new registrations

17. Click "Account Balance"

18. Choose the payments to be scheduled

19. Click on the drop down next to make payment

20. Click "Schedule Payment"

Tip: At this point, walk through Daxko's steps and complete scheduling the payments


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