How to Schedule a Discounted Payment for Rowley Residents

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1. Choose the member or search the member

2. Click on balance due

3. If payments are scheduled - you will need to unschedule payments

4. Choose the weeks to unschedule

5. Then click delete to delete the scheduled payments

6. Click "YES"

7. Click "Account Balance"

8. Choose the weeks that need to be adjusted. Note that they need to be the same amount due to complete this in bulk. If not, please complete this process one by one.

9. Click on discounts

10. Click "Apply Discount"

11. Ensure the branch is Ipswich

12. Click this dropdown and find the Camp Cedar Mill - Rowley Resident discount group

13. Click this button.

14. Enter in the amount that should be discounted for the instance. Note you will need to subtract the current fee minus $285 to determine how much should be adjusted by each item.

15. In this example. the amount was $70 as the family was charged the $355 community rate

16. Click the "Optional" field.

17. Type "Rowley residents receive family member rate"

18. Click this button field.

Alert: You will need to reschedule all payments - please do not stop here!

19. Choose all payments that were adjusted

20. Click this button.

21. Click "Schedule Payment"

22. Click this dropdown and choose the payment method

23. Click "Generate Schedule"

24. Click "Save"


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