How to Apply Essex Resident Camp Discounts

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Tip: Per our contract with the Town of Essex, residents receive discounts off our camp pricing as follows:

Registration for 1-3 weeks of camp: $285/week for ages 7+, $325/week Rowboats

Registration for 4 weeks or more: Flat rate of $250/week

The system has two discount types for this adjustment, please note that you will need to pay close attention to the rate charged and manually calculate the adjustment

Additionally, please ensure you verify residency via license or utility bill

Tip: This Scribe assumes the child is already registered for camp. If not, please see the How to Register for Camp Scribe before completing these steps.

1. Search the member

2. Choose the member

3. Click on balance due

4. Click "SCHEDULED PAYMENTS" as all payments that are currently scheduled will need to be removed

5. Choose the weeks that need adjustment

6. Choose delete to delete the scheduled payments

7. Click "YES"

8. Click "Account Balance"

9. Choose the weeks for adjustment - note if the weeks are the same amount you can adjust them together. Fourth of july week will need to be adjusted on it's own as it is a different amount.

10. Click "DISCOUNTS"

11. Click "Apply Discount"

12. Click this dropdown and choose Ipswich YMCA

13. Click this dropdown and choose Camp Dory - Essex Residents either >4 week or <4 weeks depending on the amount of weeks for registration

14. Click this button.

15. Insert the adjustment amount - NOTE it is very important you check your math at this point. As a reminder for 2024 (please check with the local team for correct rates past this year):

Registration for 1-3 weeks of camp: $285/week for ages 7+, $325/week Rowboats

Registration for 4 weeks or more: Flat rate of $250/week

Ensure you check the fee amount, subtract the correct amount from above and enter the difference in this text box.

16. Click the "Optional" field.

17. Type "Essex Resident Rate for greater than 4 weeks" or less than 4 weeks depending on the adjustment

18. Click this button field.

Tip: Repeat this step for any weeks that had differing amounts

Tip: After all adjustments are complete, follow the steps below to reschedule the payments

19. Choose all payments that need to be rescheduled then Click here.

20. Click "Schedule Payment"

21. Click this dropdown.

22. Click "Generate Schedule"

23. Click "Save"


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