Enrolling a Swim Team registration mid season

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Tip: Swim team tuition is setup in Daxko on a monthly basis, with a payment schedule due 3 times per year. Because of this, when a swimmer joins mid season, a staff member can go in and choose the months that the swimmer should join and the capture payment or schedule future payments

1. Enter the participants account

2. Click "Registrations"

3. Click "Register for Program"

4. Click "Competitive Teams

5. Choose the location

6. Choose the swim team level

7. Click this button field.

8. Unselect the months the child will not attend (in this instance it is March)

9. Click "NEXT"

10. Click "REGISTER"

11. At this point, the staff member will need to go back into the account to take payment and schedule future payments

12. Click on balance due or unscheduled payments to bring you to the payment screen

13. Determine if payments need to be taken now or scheduled

14. In this case we are scheduling all payments to be drafted at once so we are checking all payments due

15. Click this button.

Tip: If you prefer to take full payment for all of the weeks now, choose make a payment and follow the prompts. You do not need to go any further unless you are scheduling a payment to be drafted.

16. Click "Schedule Payment"

17. Click this dropdown to choose the payment method

18. Choose the date for the payment

19. Click "Generate Schedule"

20. Click "Save"


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