How to register a child if they ended up on the childcare waitlist

Childcare Waitlist Management in Daxko

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1. Navigate to

2. Click "Login"

3. Click "Child Care"

4. Click "Manage Programs"

5. Click "Filters"

6. Filter for your branch

7. Filter for your age category

8. Click this button field.

9. Choose the program that has the waitlist

10. Click "Roster"

11. Click "View waiting list (2)"

12. Open the program drop down

13. Find the child you would like to add to the roster and select add to roster

14. Check off the weeks they will attend (this should be all weeks from their start date)

15. Click "Make a payment"

Tip: The make a payment screen will bring you to where you will schedule the payment and charge the registration fee.

16. Check off the new registration

17. Click this button.

18. Click "Schedule Payment"

19. Click this dropdown and choose the correct payment method

20. Click "Generate Schedule"

21. Click "Save"


23. Choose your local Y

24. Choose the correct registration fee

25. Click this text field.

26. Type in the registration fee amount

27. Click this button.

28. Click "MAKE PAYMENT"

29. Click this dropdown.

30. Click this button.


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